Please enter your email address and password.

Passwords are between 7 and 10 characters in length and contain at least one character from three or more of the following character classes:
  • upper case alpha character
  • lower case alpha character
  • numerical character
  • special character


We are proud to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. On behalf of all of us here at LERETA,LLC , Welcome! Our old website served us well for the past six years, but technology continues to develop and with this redesign we will be able to take advantage of the most current tools to improve data security and the overall user experience.

We encourage you to explore the new site, although much has changed, all of the resources that we have created over the years are still part of the site. Thanks to everyone who has given us feedback on the site design, and helped us to create the most robust method in the industry for accessing and managing tax information.

In order to access the new site you must be first registered by LERETA,LLC. If you have received your new log-in information, please enter your user name and password to access the system. If you have not yet received your new log-in information, please contact your LERETA Account Manager or email us at and we will contact you to complete registration.